Rxi-SVOCms columns are designed specifically to improve peak shape for challenging semivolatiles, as well as to ensure good resolution of difficult polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). These featured applications provide optimized methods that produce accurate, reliable results even for the most problematic compounds in these classes.
Featured Application: Semivolatiles by GC-MS
Good peak shapes and responses for a diverse array of reactive compounds including acidic phenols (pentachlorophenol and dinitrophenol) and basic amines (benzidine and pyridine).
Featured Application: PAH by GC-MS
Optimized resolution of 23 priority pollutants provides effective detection of the most relevant environmental PAH compounds, including benzo[b]fluoranthene and benzo[k]fluoranthene.
Switching your semivolatiles and PAH methods to rugged Rxi-SVOCms columns can also ensure that data requirements are met longer, and downtime is minimized.
How to Trim Your Column to Remove Contamination
Matrix components from highly contaminated environmental samples can build up on the inlet end of a GC column and cause poor peak shape and low response. GC column trimming is a simple way to solve this problem, and this quick video shows you exactly how to do it.