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3.3x Faster Multiresidue Pesticide Analysis!

Run Multiresidue Pesticides up to 3.3x Faster with Low-Pressure GC-MS

For busy food labs needing faster methods, LPGC-MS provides an effective, unique solution by increasing sample throughput while also conserving helium. Now available in an additional configuration to accommodate unique testing methodologies, our newest LPGC multiresidue pesticides kit allows for additional helium savings and lower flow rates. All LPGC kits are preassembled and leak checked to ensure a robust performance, making implementation of LPGC in your lab as simple as a column change.

Quick-Start Guide to LPGC

Interested in trying LPGC but aren’t sure if it will work for you? In this guide, we cover the critical factors in determining whether your analysis is amenable to LPGC, as well as how to install and optimize your new LPGC kit.